WorldClass Paper

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Own Journal

In-House publishing 7 journals.

UGC Approved Journal

We have UGC Approved Journal In our platform.


(NOW in : Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) - Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record)

The journal “Annals of Entomology”, was established in 1983 to promote the research in the field of Entomology. It publishes original research papers, review works and short communications on all fundamental and applied aspects of insects, ticks and mites of agriculture, public health, veterinary, storage, forestry, forensic and biodegradation significance.  This bi-annual journal is published in the months of June and December each year.

All publication rights have now been taken over by CONNECT JOURNALS. The journal will be published in Print as well as Online versions.   

Abstracted  / Reviewed in :

  • U G C approved / Refereed Journal (Group-II of UGC-CARE list)
  • Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)
    • Biological Abstracts
    • BIOSIS Previews
    • Zoological Record
  • CAB Abstracts (CABI)
  • EBSCOhost
  • National Academy of Agri. Sciences (NAAS)
  • Indian Science Abstract
  • Agrindex (FAO)
  • Current Awareness in Biological Science
  • Entomology Review (Moscow)
  • Review of Applied Entomology

Sample Paper Guidelines To Author Editorial Committee

(An International Journal)

About the journal : Biochemical and Cellular Archives - publishes original full length research papers, short communications and review articles in all areas of agricultural, biological and medical sciences.  Emphasis is given to manuscripts which present novel finding pertinent to the biochemical basis of cellular structure and function as well as mechanism of cellular organelles.  Investigations directed towards electron microscopy and localization of biomolecules in cells / tissues are particularly encouraged.  This journal is available for online access at: www.connectjournals.com/bca since 2009.


  • Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)
    • Biological Abstracts
    • BIOSIS Previews
    • Zoological Record
    • Entomology Abstract
  • ISI Master List
  • Scopus (Elsevier)
  • CABI Abstract
  • Indian Science Abstract
  • All Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Abstract
  • Google Scholar
  • NAAS score - 4.95

Sample Paper Guidelines To Author Editorial Committee

(NOW in : Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) - Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Biopesticides International is devoted to biopesticide studies based on natural resources like plants, microbes, fungi, predators, parasitoids, and allied materials like bioherbicides and entomopathogenic nematodes, including diverse studies of entomological, toxicological, agricultural, biochemical, molecular and biotechnological aspects related to biopesticides, including transgenics as pest control agents. The journal also seeks to promote insect-plant interaction studies and manipulation of plant genomes for in vivo production of pesticides. Governance of biopesticides to cover issues like socio-political sciences, law and legal instruments, ethics, and environmental impact are also considered. The journal publishes Review Articles, Research Papers on Biopesticides, and General Articles based on potential agricultural importance vis-à-vis the problems of farm sciences, biofertilizers, bioremediation, environment stress and disease impact on crop production. Journal is Indexed and Abstracted in CABI abstracts | SCOPUS | Connect Journals and now in WEB OF SCIENCE (Clarivate Analytics) - Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record, UGC approved / Referred Journal (Group-II of UGC-Care list). The journal also has a global impact factor of 0.598. This journal is now published in Print and Online by CONNECT JOURNALS. NAAS rating for 2024 is 5.43 on a scale of 1 to 10.

Indexed and Abstracted in:

  • Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)
    • Biological Abstracts
    • BIOSIS Previews
    • Zoological Record
  • CAB Abstracts (Produced by CABI)
  • SCOPUS Database (An Elsevier Product) : [Click link for SJR Ranking:  https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100199515]
  • Accredited by NAAS - India rating : 5.43 (Current)
  • Global Impact Factor : 0.598
  • Connect Journals
  • U G C approved / Refereed Journal Included in Group-A of UGC-CARE list


Sample Paper Guidelines To Author Editorial Committee

(An International Quarterly Journal)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

About the Journal: Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry is peer reviewed Journal and exclusively devoted to research in the area of heterocyclic chemistry. The journal publishes invited review articles and original research papers pertaining to structure and synthesis, mechanism of reactions, spectral studies, biologically active compounds, bio-chemical studies, physicochemical work, phytochemistry etc. Manuscripts for publication and books for review may be submitted via online editorial management system to Editorial office.  Authors are solely responsible for the contents of the papers and the accuracy of the data therein. The Journal is aimed to cater the needs of scientists working in the area of heterocyclic chemistry who want to get their quality work published rapidly. The journal is first ever such publication of its kind in India. There are two other such publications one from U.S.A. and another from Japan.  Eminent Heterocyclic chemists from India and abroad are on the editorial board of the journal.

Journal Metrics: NAAS Score 2021 - 6.27 || SCImago Journal Rank 2021 – 0.122 || Cite Score 2021 – 0.3 || Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2021 – 0.266 || Cite Score Rank (Organic Chemistry) – 177/185 || Cite Score Rank (Biochemistry) – 402/415 || Impact Factor – 0.339 (JCR 2020 – Clarivate Analytics 2021) ||

Indexed and Abstracted in:

  • Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics Formerly - Thomson Reuters)
  • SCOPUS Database (An Elsevier Product) : [Click link for SJR Ranking:  https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/24112  ]
  • Chemical Abstracts (American Chemical Society)
  • CAB Abstracts (Produced by CABI)
  • Accredited by NAAS-India (Rating : 6.27)
  • Current Contents
  • Chemistry Citation Index
  • Connect Journals
  • UGC Approved / Refereed Journal : Included in Group-A of UGC-CARE list
  • EBSCOhost

Founder Editor : Late Prof. R.S. Varma, Department of Chemistry, Lucknow University, Lucknow, INDIA

Sample Paper Guidelines To Author Editorial Committee

An International Journal

The journal is a peer reviewed devoted to publish original research / review articles in all fields of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences. This journal is available for online access at: www.connectjournals.com/IJASS since 2009.


  • Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), 
  • Scimago (Elsevier database), 
  • EBSCO, 
  • CAB International, 
  • Indian Science Abstracts, 
  • Indian Citation Index (ICI), 
  • Scilit (MDPI AG) 
  • Google Scholar
  • NAAS rating for 2024 for the journal is 5.10 on a scale of 1 to 10. 
  • As per JCR 2022 impact factor: 0.10.

Sample Paper Guidelines To Author Editorial Committee

(A Bi-Annual International Journal)

The journal International Journal of Behavioural Sciences (IJBS), was established in 1980 to promote the research in the field of Social Sciences. The Journal has evoked highly encouraging response among the teachers, teacher educators, researchers, scientists etc. The journal publishes original research papers / articles, books reviews and research notes in the field of Psychology, Education, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Philosophy, Environment, Sociology and related disciplines. 

The journal is supported by eminent Advisory Board from different universities.  All manuscripts are reviewed by experts of the related field.  All publication rights have now been taken over by CONNECT JOURNALS. The journal will be published in Print as well as Online versions.

Sample Paper Guidelines To Author Editorial Committee

A Peer Reviewed International Journal

The JEBS – Journal of Environment and Bio-Sciences (previously known as Himalayan Journal of Environment and Zoology) is a medium for publication of original researches on Environment and various disciplines of Bio-sciences, Chemistry, Biophysics, Geology and related sister sciences.  For detailed Subject Classification / Categories, scroll down this page…
JEBS is a peer-reviewed journal that accepts research works from scholars, academicians, professors, doctorates, lecturers, and corporate in their respective expertise of studies. The journal serves the research world since 1987.  The journal is wide and available for diverse intellectual and educational pursuits from all corners of the society to enrich the learning experiences of the group readers.
The Journal welcomes the submission of the manuscripts that meet the scope and criteria of Journal of Environment and Bio-Sciences.
Indexed and Abstracted in:
  • CAB Abstracts (Produced by CABI)
  • Web of Science - Zoological Records (Clarivate Analytics: Formerly - Thomson Reuters)
  • Accredited by NAAS - India rating: 4.43
  • Included in UGC list of Journals 2019
  • Indian Science Index (INSDOC)
  • Connect Journals – Directory of Journals
  • Paryavaran Abstracts - Govt. of India
  • Russian Academy of Science – Russia
  • Zoological Records – U.K.
Subject Classification / Categories
  • Arithmetic and Statistics: Data analysis of any sample survey, screening, etc.
  • Agricultural sciences: All branches including soil sciences
  • Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences 
  • Dairy Science and Poultry
  • Biological subjects:
    • Botany
    • Zoology
    • Microbiology
  • Ecological sciences and Environmental Sciences
    • Environmental economics
    • Environmental Engineering and technology
    • Atmospheric and Space ecology
  • Geology
  • Oceanographic Sciences
  • Limnology - inclusive of Lake, River and Ponds
  • Forestry
  • Toxicology
  • Pollution
  • Fish and Fisheries
  • Mountain Ecology
  • Desert Ecology
  • Marine Eco-biology
  • Industrial Chemistry
  • Taxonomy of Plants and Animals

Sample Paper Guidelines To Author Editorial Committee

(An International Journal)

Journal of Experimental Zoology, India - a biannual publication, is devoted to publish peer reviewed original and review articles in all disciplines of Zoology and its allied fields, on basic, economic and applied aspects including environmental studies.  This journal is available for online access at: www.connectjournals.com/jez since 2009.


  • Web of Science (Claravate Analytics)
    • Biological Abstracts
    • BIOSIS Previews
    • Zoological Record
  • CABI Abstract
  • CABI Full Text Repository database
  • Google Scholar
  • NAAS score-5.51

Sample Paper Guidelines To Author Editorial Committee